Cold brew coffee makes a smooth, non-bitter coffee that is especially perfect for iced coffee. Whether you should drink coffee or not from a health perspective is up to debate, but if you are going to drink coffee this is a lovely way to do it.
Coffee is my dirty little morning secret and I’ve enjoyed it in a number of different ways, but cold-brew coffee has won me over and is now my preferred method of choice. If you are looking for a smooth cup of Joe with no fancy equipment needed, then this is an excellent choice. It is so simple! You leave coffee in water for 12 hours or more, and then you strain it. You now have a coffee concentrate that will last at least a week. What more can you ask for? The advantages of cold brewing coffee, as I see it, are as follows.
1. It is simple and easy to do.
2. It is less acidic, which many people find helpful on the stomach.
3. There is less caffeine per cup when cold brewed.
4. The cold-brew method is less bitter, which promotes a smooth flavour.
5. The cold-brew method allows a different flavour profile to appear. Without as much bitterness, the fruity, chocolate, vanilla or other undertones are allowed to shine. So, even if you like a good cup of drip coffee, cold brewed coffee can give you a wonderful variation.
I make this the simplest way possible with a large mason jar. But you can also use some of the great cold brew systems out there to make the process even simpler.
Here is how I make mine. The amount of coffee to water can be tweaked to preference. A good rule of thumb is 1/3 cup of ground coffee to 1 cup of water. I make batches of 4 cups, but you can certainly make less or a lot more by using the same ratio.
Cold Brew Coffee
1 cup of fresh coarsely ground coffee (I recommend buying organic coffee beans, since coffee is a highly sprayed crop. I personally lean toward a medium roast bean and am currently enjoying Blue Heron Medium Roast from Saltspring Island Coffee.
4 cups of filtered water
1. Combine ground coffee and water in a jar or French press. Stir to combine well. Cover and leave for at least 12 hours, and up to 24 hours at room temperature.
2. Put a coffee filter in a fine sieve over a plastic juice jug or jar large enough to hold at least 4 cups. Slowly pour coffee through the filter. This is your coffee concentrate.
3. Keep refrigerated. To serve, dilute to preference. A one-to-two ratio is common (one-third coffee concentrate, two-thirds water). For a stronger cup of coffee, use a one-to-one ratio. I like to add half almond milk to half coffee. My husband likes to also add a tablespoon or two of caramel syrup.
It will keep at least one week.
Yield: 4 cups of concentrate (makes at least 8 cups of coffee).